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підручник англійська мова.docx
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  1. V ocabulary

Match the expressions on the left with the correct meaning on the right.

1. position desired

A. place you last worked

2. surname

B. abilities, things you can do

3. maiden name

C. not applicable, doesn’t apply in this situation

4. bondable

D. money earned per hour

5. valid

E. late night work period

6. previous employer

F. last name or family name

7. legally entitled to work

G. money earned per month or year

8. duties

H. no criminal record; employer can get insurance on the employee

9. skills

I. person applying for a job

10. qualifications

J. effective, current, legal

11. salary

K. woman’s name before marriage

12. wages

L. allowed by law to work

13. graveyard shift

M. job wanted or applied for

14. references

N. skills, experience, education needed for a job

15. applicant

O. move to a different place

16. job title

P. responsibilities, things employee must do at work

17. relocate

Q. name of the work position

18. N/A

R. names of people who can give positive opinions about the applicant

  1. P ractice

Employers use job applications to gather information about your qualifications, and to compare you to other applicants. Remember that you only get one chance to make a first impression so it’s crucial to convey a good one. When they read your application, the company is ‘interviewing’ you, forming impressions and making decisions about whether you fit in to their business.

Use the correct colour ink (usually black)

Use your own handwriting (unless specified otherwise)

 Be honest

 Complete the form fully

Make a copy of the completed form to take to the interview or refresh your memory beforehand

Lesson 56.

1. Discussion

Discuss the answers to these questions.

1. Who do you think is more likely to lie?

a politician

a journalist

a religious leader

a salesperson

the president of a company

2. Do you think most people …

 usually tell the truth?

 lie when it’s convenient?

 lie only if they think they have to?

 usually lie only about unimportant things?

 only lie about important things?